Forgive me Father, for it's many months since I've last blogged... Anyway, on Friday, September 13th I released a new song called “I’m So Happy For You!” It’s one of those songs that has been sitting on the shelf for quite awhile. Lingering around for least 4 years now as I couldn’t find the right melodies or lyrical content that seemed to jive with what I had done. Initially, the music was inspired by a band called Eleven (they helped Chris Cornell on his first solo album “Euphoria Morning”)...but the more I listen to the intro chords, I may have been trying to create a new Citizen 603, but as the creation of the song progressed, it started turning into something else. This is one of those examples of a song where I stop thinking about what I’m doing, and just DO. And if I had to guess, I probably recorded this at the end of a few early morning sessions whilst working on more “serious” stuff and this was a way for me to let my hair down and just create without and self-imposed parameters or guidelines. This is usually when the good stuff comes out. As the song makes it’s way past a second chorus, it begins to turn and twist on itself and this is when it gets WEIRD. The middle section is an example of my Frank Zappa and progressive rock influences coming out to the forefront. Lots of weird chords, goofy scales and time signature changes...the stuff I usually try and suppress but it usually comes out this way when I write on piano. I also utilized a lot of layering with my voice, perhaps too much as I always do, but I wanted to create a thick and rich pallet vocally. It ends up coming across, to my ears, very Queen-esque. Rich with harmony, counter melodies and deep orchestration....this is also an example of my musical theatre influences showing themselves again. Listening back now with objective ears, the best way I can describe it is “if Frank Zappa wrote “Bohemian Rhapsody” while wearing a flannel shirt while listening to Grunge in the 90’s”. This is song is not without it's "rip-off" moments...or borrowed moments.
I don't know, you can't escape your influences and this song is not devoid of any parts that sound like someone else. To my ears, the verse sound like an Eleven song. The chorus sounds like Faith No More & Spacehog. There's parts of the bridge that are chock full of Frank Zappa, Queen & Field Music. So I've curated a playlist for you to show you what I mean! This playlist contain songs that I think I unintentionally lifted, was inspired by or like I said, stole. Click below on your preferred streaming service... "I'm So Happy For Your Playlist" on SPOTIFY "I'm So Happy For Your Playlist" on AMAZON MUSIC "I'm So Happy For Your Playlist" on YOUTUBE Let me know what you think. Do you hear any other parts that sound like someone else? Thanks for reading and listening. I hope you've enjoyed this song and I hope it's made you HAPPY! Because I'd be so happy for you if it did! G E O F F B A R O N E
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