Random Acts Of Awkward - OUT NOW!

Random Acts Of Awkward - OUT NOW!

"Random Acts Of Awkward" an experimental, noise album by Geoff Barone is out!

The album was mastered by Michael Zucker at Differential Productions and recorded entirely on a Yamaha 4 Track Cassette Recorder.

Using mainly my voice, a microphone & guitar pedals, this is the kind of stuff I create when I don’t feel like playing actual instruments. 

Part I of my Æombiance series, which highlights my more noisy, avant-garde experiments with audio and sounds. The album is not for the faint of heart and quite admittedly ... .unlistenable.

I’ve always been drawn to sound. Sound not only as a source of comfort, but as a production and songwriting tool. If you’re familiar with my previous releases, I’ve actually been using these sounds as segues and background filler for many years, so you may recognize some of these pieces.
…alas, if you haven’t listened to my work thus far, you’re definitely NOT gonna wanna listen to this stuff. LOL

As mentioned, this album may be totally unlistenable by regular folk, I find this “music” inspiring & soothing. When I was young, my Mom told me that I’d fall asleep whenever she’d start vacuuming. So it was fitting that I open the album with a clip of a 5 year old me going nuts whilst my Mom vacuumed the living room in the background. 

Plus since this album was made only using my voice, it was a good exercise in creating stuff with limited resources.

I hope you enjoy this slight departure but won't be offended if it's not your cup of tea.

​G E O F F   B A R O N E
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