Happy Anniversary to "The Forfeit King I"
Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the album "The Forfeit King I"
Split into 2 parts (because who really listens to a 16 track album anymore), TFK I was more
So I found it fitting to post this little gem of "Settle Down" LIVE from 603 Studios...aka my basement jam room.
It features my pals Pike Matthews on bass/vocals and Ryan Gaines on drums from the summer of 2023 as we were gearing up to play a few live shows that fall in the area....
...needless to say, that never happened because life got in the way. Maybe someday soon, I'll just book a show...then we'll be forced to rehearse and get the songs together...otherwise, I fear we'll just jam these songs ad nauseum.
Anyway, if you're interested you can purchase the Limited Edition CD here. It's both parts I & II combined...because like I said: who listens to a 16 track album anymore. in fact, who buys CD's anymore?
Just forget I said anything ok? Bye